Friday, September 21, 2007

Bite your mind. Not your tongue.

So what if everything you say was twisted and turned into something you didn't mean. What if the results of this ended up hurting someones feelings. Would you still take the blame? See, I learned a very important lesson today and that is to mean what I say and say what I mean. I discovered that you really cant live life when your stuck in hesitation mode. There's more to life than just living it ((as a very special person once told me)). If you have something to say you should just say it regardless of the reaction it may have. But on the other side you should also take special note into somethings you say. Because a playback in your head might just come out and as a bad hearing through someone else's. Its kind of like what my mom use to tell me, Think before you speak. Forming a statement is when you get control of your thoughts and form them into one complete line that gets your point across. Bite your mind. Not your tongue. I bet your wondering where I got that from. You see an old urban legend says that whenever you have an out of control dog, a simple bite on the ear will cease the bad behavior. You cant really say something unless you know for sure what your thinking. So take control of your thoughts and say how you feel.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Future Hubby

So who's to say you cant fall in love so young? Falling in love has had to be the best thing that's happen to me in life! It gives me a warm feeling and a good feeling of well-being. I've enjoyed every moment of it, all the fights and the good moments that will be remembered forever. See, I have the greatest boyfriend ever, his name is Landon. His my rock when I feel weak and my kinght and shining armor when im in need of being rescued. We've been together for about 8 months now and its been wonderful. We met because we work together. It was fate. I had just got out a short but stressful relationship ad he was looking for a new way of life. I love him more than anything in the world.